a documentary approach to family photography

They grow up so fast... It’s such a cliche, parents hear it all the time, but it is true that each stage is so short, so precious. Their little quirks change and are replaced by new ones, and we don't want to forget any of them.
We believe that family photography should be about those little moments where children show you their true selves. It should show you the way you love as a parent and the way your kids love you. It should remind you how it felt to be at that stage in their lives, including the
imperfect moments, the messes, the tears, the injuries... that make childhood, well, childhood.
Whether you and your family are in front of our camera for an hour or a whole day, our approach is to document all of it.
We are available for wedding and family photography in Canada, Costa Rica, and worldwide.

“Felix is asking if you will be available again for another photo shoot. He is accumulating money in his piggy bank to pay you. He has 6 coins and figures it should be enough. I guess the flattering part is that is his entire wealth and he’s choosing photos above candy or ice cream!”
Montreal, QC

photo of us in Paris, by Gabe McClintock
Our lives are always shifting, but we generally split our time between Costa Rica and Canada. We remain available for photography work anywhere in the world.
Hire us!

"We are sooo happy and very touched with how it came out! Everything looks so flowy and natural. No fake or forced smiles no awkward faces. You have an amazing talent combined with a beautiful personality. We were remembering the photoshoot day and to be honest I kind of forgot you had your camera all that time. It felt like an afternoon with you in our family. And this is not only because you are incredibly talented but because it was fun being with you and it changed everything. Thank you for letting us live that experience. These pictures will always be cherished."
Samara, Costa Rica

“I've learned so much, realized how much I was missing, and I take away so much from Davina & Daniel’s way of working.”
“Davina and Daniel are some of the best photographers, editors, and overall people around. They have been amazing inspirations and teachers for my husband and I as well as to hundreds of others. Their approach to photography and the teaching of it is easy going and completely understandable. You can apply any technique they teach immediately with amazing results. I can't recommend them enough!”
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DVLOP Presets
We’ve partnered with DVLOP to create Lightroom & ACR presets that come very close to our editing style. Vibrant, true-to-life, and dynamic.
In 2019, we recorded a 2-day masterclass with Creative Live. The knowledge we shared remains true today, and has been viewed by over 25,000 students to date.